calls map(.y, .f)
on all .y
at the specified .depth
. modify_depth()
calls modify(.y, .f)
on .y
at the specified
in .x
map_depth(.x, .depth, .f, ..., .ragged = .depth < 0, .is_node = NULL)
modify_depth(.x, .depth, .f, ..., .ragged = .depth < 0, .is_node = NULL)
- .x
A list or atomic vector.
- .depth
Level of
to map on. Use a negative value to count up from the lowest level of the list.map_depth(x, 0, fun)
is equivalent tofun(x)
.map_depth(x, 1, fun)
is equivalent tox <- map(x, fun)
map_depth(x, 2, fun)
is equivalent tox <- map(x, \(y) map(y, fun))
- .f
A function, specified in one of the following ways:
A named function, e.g.
.An anonymous function, e.g.
\(x) x + 1
orfunction(x) x + 1
.A formula, e.g.
~ .x + 1
. You must use.x
to refer to the first argument. Only recommended if you require backward compatibility with older versions of R.A string, integer, or list, e.g.
, orlist("idx", 1)
which are shorthand for\(x) pluck(x, "idx")
,\(x) pluck(x, 1)
, and\(x) pluck(x, "idx", 1)
respectively. Optionally supply.default
to set a default value if the indexed element isNULL
or does not exist.
- ...
Additional arguments passed on to the mapped function.
We now generally recommend against using
to pass additional (constant) arguments to.f
. Instead use a shorthand anonymous function:This makes it easier to understand which arguments belong to which function and will tend to yield better error messages.
- .ragged
, will apply to leaves, even if they're not at depth.depth
, will throw an error if there are no elements at depth.depth
.- .is_node
A predicate function that determines whether an element is a node (by returning
) or a leaf (by returningFALSE
). The default value,NULL
, treats simple lists as nodes and everything else (including richer objects like data frames and linear models) as leaves, usingvctrs::obj_is_list()
. To recurse into all objects built on lists useis.list()
See also
for a recursive version of modify_depth()
allows you to apply a function to every leaf or every node.
Other map variants:
Other modify variants:
# map_depth() -------------------------------------------------
# Use `map_depth()` to recursively traverse nested vectors and map
# a function at a certain depth:
x <- list(a = list(foo = 1:2, bar = 3:4), b = list(baz = 5:6))
x |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ a:List of 2
#> ..$ foo: int [1:2] 1 2
#> ..$ bar: int [1:2] 3 4
#> $ b:List of 1
#> ..$ baz: int [1:2] 5 6
x |> map_depth(2, \(y) paste(y, collapse = "/")) |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ a:List of 2
#> ..$ foo: chr "1/2"
#> ..$ bar: chr "3/4"
#> $ b:List of 1
#> ..$ baz: chr "5/6"
# Equivalent to:
x |> map(\(y) map(y, \(z) paste(z, collapse = "/"))) |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ a:List of 2
#> ..$ foo: chr "1/2"
#> ..$ bar: chr "3/4"
#> $ b:List of 1
#> ..$ baz: chr "5/6"
# When ragged is TRUE, `.f()` will also be passed leaves at depth < `.depth`
x <- list(1, list(1, list(1, list(1, 1))))
x |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ : num 1
#> $ :List of 2
#> ..$ : num 1
#> ..$ :List of 2
#> .. ..$ : num 1
#> .. ..$ :List of 2
#> .. .. ..$ : num 1
#> .. .. ..$ : num 1
x |> map_depth(4, \(x) length(unlist(x)), .ragged = TRUE) |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ :List of 1
#> ..$ : int 1
#> $ :List of 2
#> ..$ :List of 1
#> .. ..$ : int 1
#> ..$ :List of 2
#> .. ..$ :List of 1
#> .. .. ..$ : int 1
#> .. ..$ :List of 2
#> .. .. ..$ : int 1
#> .. .. ..$ : int 1
x |> map_depth(3, \(x) length(unlist(x)), .ragged = TRUE) |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ :List of 1
#> ..$ : int 1
#> $ :List of 2
#> ..$ :List of 1
#> .. ..$ : int 1
#> ..$ :List of 2
#> .. ..$ : int 1
#> .. ..$ : int 2
x |> map_depth(2, \(x) length(unlist(x)), .ragged = TRUE) |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ :List of 1
#> ..$ : int 1
#> $ :List of 2
#> ..$ : int 1
#> ..$ : int 3
x |> map_depth(1, \(x) length(unlist(x)), .ragged = TRUE) |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ : int 1
#> $ : int 4
x |> map_depth(0, \(x) length(unlist(x)), .ragged = TRUE) |> str()
#> int 5
# modify_depth() -------------------------------------------------
l1 <- list(
obj1 = list(
prop1 = list(param1 = 1:2, param2 = 3:4),
prop2 = list(param1 = 5:6, param2 = 7:8)
obj2 = list(
prop1 = list(param1 = 9:10, param2 = 11:12),
prop2 = list(param1 = 12:14, param2 = 15:17)
# In the above list, "obj" is level 1, "prop" is level 2 and "param"
# is level 3. To apply sum() on all params, we map it at depth 3:
l1 |> modify_depth(3, sum) |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ obj1:List of 2
#> ..$ prop1:List of 2
#> .. ..$ param1: int 3
#> .. ..$ param2: int 7
#> ..$ prop2:List of 2
#> .. ..$ param1: int 11
#> .. ..$ param2: int 15
#> $ obj2:List of 2
#> ..$ prop1:List of 2
#> .. ..$ param1: int 19
#> .. ..$ param2: int 23
#> ..$ prop2:List of 2
#> .. ..$ param1: int 39
#> .. ..$ param2: int 48
# modify() lets us pluck the elements prop1/param2 in obj1 and obj2:
l1 |> modify(c("prop1", "param2")) |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ obj1: int [1:2] 3 4
#> $ obj2: int [1:2] 11 12
# But what if we want to pluck all param2 elements? Then we need to
# act at a lower level:
l1 |> modify_depth(2, "param2") |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ obj1:List of 2
#> ..$ prop1: int [1:2] 3 4
#> ..$ prop2: int [1:2] 7 8
#> $ obj2:List of 2
#> ..$ prop1: int [1:2] 11 12
#> ..$ prop2: int [1:3] 15 16 17
# modify_depth() can be with other purrr functions to make them operate at
# a lower level. Here we ask pmap() to map paste() simultaneously over all
# elements of the objects at the second level. paste() is effectively
# mapped at level 3.
l1 |> modify_depth(2, \(x) pmap(x, paste, sep = " / ")) |> str()
#> List of 2
#> $ obj1:List of 2
#> ..$ prop1:List of 2
#> .. ..$ : chr "1 / 3"
#> .. ..$ : chr "2 / 4"
#> ..$ prop2:List of 2
#> .. ..$ : chr "5 / 7"
#> .. ..$ : chr "6 / 8"
#> $ obj2:List of 2
#> ..$ prop1:List of 2
#> .. ..$ : chr "9 / 11"
#> .. ..$ : chr "10 / 12"
#> ..$ prop2:List of 3
#> .. ..$ : chr "12 / 15"
#> .. ..$ : chr "13 / 16"
#> .. ..$ : chr "14 / 17"