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Map family

The map(.x, .f) functions transforms each element of the vector .x with the function .f, returning a vector defined by the suffix (_lgl, _chr() etc). walk() is a variant for functions called primarily for their side-effects; it returns .x invisibly.

As well as functions, .f, can take numbers and characters (used as a shorthand for [[), and formulas (used as a succint function definition). See details in as_mapper()

map() map_lgl() map_int() map_dbl() map_chr() map_vec() walk()
Apply a function to each element of a vector
Convert an object into a mapper function

Map variants

A rich set of variants builds on the basic idea of map(): modify() modifies “in place”, returning a vector the same type as .x; map2() iterates over two vectors in parallel; pmap() (parallel map) iterates over a list of vectors; imap() (index map) is a shortcut for the common pattern map2(x, names(x)).

map_if() map_at()
Apply a function to each element of a vector conditionally
map_depth() modify_depth()
Map/modify elements at given depth
map2() map2_lgl() map2_int() map2_dbl() map2_chr() map2_vec() walk2()
Map over two inputs
pmap() pmap_lgl() pmap_int() pmap_dbl() pmap_chr() pmap_vec() pwalk()
Map over multiple input simultaneously (in "parallel")
modify() modify_if() modify_at() modify2() imodify()
Modify elements selectively
Recursively modify a list
imap() imap_lgl() imap_chr() imap_int() imap_dbl() imap_vec() iwalk()
Apply a function to each element of a vector, and its index
lmap() lmap_if() lmap_at()
Apply a function to list-elements of a list

Predicate functionals

A predicate function is a function that either returns TRUE or FALSE. The predicate functionals take a vector and a predicate function and do something useful.

detect() detect_index()
Find the value or position of the first match
every() some() none()
Do every, some, or none of the elements of a list satisfy a predicate?
Does a list contain an object?
head_while() tail_while()
Find head/tail that all satisfies a predicate.
keep() discard() compact()
Keep/discard elements based on their values
keep_at() discard_at()
Keep/discard elements based on their name/position


Getting or setting a single element.

pluck() `pluck<-`() pluck_exists()
Safely get or set an element deep within a nested data structure
Get an element deep within a nested data structure, failing if it doesn't exist
Compute the depth of a vector
modify_in() assign_in()
Modify a pluck location
Create an attribute getter function

Other vector transforms

A grab bag of useful tools for manipulating vectors.

accumulate() accumulate2()
Accumulate intermediate results of a vector reduction
list_c() list_cbind() list_rbind()
Combine list elements into a single data structure
Flatten a list
list_assign() list_modify() list_merge()
Modify a list
Simplify a list to an atomic or S3 vector
Transpose a list
reduce() reduce2()
Reduce a list to a single value by iteratively applying a binary function


Superseded functions have been replaced by superior solutions, but due to their widespread use will not go away. However, they will not get any new features and will only receive critical bug fixes.

flatten() flatten_lgl() flatten_int() flatten_dbl() flatten_chr() flatten_dfr() flatten_dfc() superseded
Flatten a list of lists into a simple vector
map_dfr() map_dfc() imap_dfr() imap_dfc() map2_dfr() map2_dfc() pmap_dfr() pmap_dfc() superseded
Functions that return data frames
as_vector() simplify() simplify_all() superseded
Coerce a list to a vector
transpose() superseded
Transpose a list.


Adverbs modify the action of a function; they take a function as input and return a function with modified action as output.

Wrap a function so it will automatically browse() on error
Compose multiple functions together to create a new function
Transform a function to wait then retry after an error
Negate a predicate function so it selects what it previously rejected
Partially apply a function, filling in some arguments
Wrap a function to return a value instead of an error
Wrap a function to capture side-effects
Wrap a function to capture errors
Wrap a function to wait between executions


array_branch() array_tree()
Coerce array to list
rate_delay() rate_backoff() is_rate()
Create delaying rate settings
Progress bars in purrr
Parallelization in purrr